Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Drapo Quotes

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Drapo Quotes
~Do Not Break a Musical Instrument...Give it Away....-Richard S. Drapo

~One word spoken in dislike when meeting someone new is like the remembrance of what icing was used on your last birthday stays in your mind for a long time. -Richard S. Drapo

~Intellect, learning and the human brain can be compared with two kinds of houses. In one house, Learning is simulated by turning the lights on and off, but never can you switch the lights on all at the same time. In the other house, you can switch on all the lights at the same time and leave them on. I have found the latter to be true in my youth, but now I reside in the house with the on/off lights one at a time.- R. S. Drapo

~It is not about the results as much as it is about the performance, and it is talent that shines not longevity. Evident by Olympian, Sara Hughes, 4th to Gold, 2002 Salt Lake Woman’s Ice Skating. -R. S. Drapo

~Life is like a Merry-go-round. We can elect to go either fast or slow, but hang on tight because people do fall off, some violently, some gently. -Richard Drapo

~ Like a leaf falling from a great height, twisting, turning, floating, so will the years. - Richard Drapo

~If it makes you nervous or uneasy being around a good, wholesome Police Officer, perhaps you need to re-evaluate your life. -R.S. Drapo

~ I drew courage from the knowledge that no matter how your life changes or whatever obstacles were thrown in your path, it was possible to adapt, to devise new ways to delight in life, to grow. -Mary Ann O”Roark ~( This expresses Adaptation, Evolution very well R S Drapo)

~Adversity will melt like a giant icicle, though your hardships be that time in between deep Winter and long awaited Spring -Richard S. Drapo

~Advice...Take it when it is better than your own and ignore it when it is not. -R. S. Drapo flamingoes...not yet brightly colored, jumping around with that new enthusiasm for life, flapping their little wings, in their brand new avian bodies... -Richard Drapo

~Don't charge towards the cannon. -R. S. Drapo

~For those of you who are lost, feeling empty, filled with heavy burdens, doing it your self, man, get on your knees and have Jesus take off the unnecessary baggage that accumulates in this life, and invite Jesus and the Heavenly Father into your heart and life. Praise Him, for They shall return in Great Splendor. Don't miss getting aboard the biggest and greatest ship that has ever set sail....The Jesus Ship. -Richard S. Drapo

~ Fury does have its Angels. -R. S. Drapo

~I don't need to go to school! I know a lot already! Go to school and get credit for knowing what you already know. I guarantee you will learn a great deal also. -R. S. Drapo

“Oh, we have a home...We just need a house to put it in” -10 year old homeless girl

~Perhaps the most serious reservation about social science research is that human behavior is shaped by so many different forces that it resists scientific explanation. -Thomas R Dye... So, don't think for them, or make up excuses because after all their behavior resists scientific explanation, and to do otherwise will only lead to the decay of your behavior. R S Drapo.

~No Sir! One can't have friends in Professional Wrestling, unless your blood related, hired to protect ones Title or share the Title belts, and then that friendship has its limitations. - R. S. Drapo

~Observe the daughter and father leaving their house in the early morning hours to attend church... and observe the father and son leaving the voting polls in the evening hours...Look for Good examples in your life and try to achieve them. -Richard S. Drapo

~On Ozzy Ozborn...I rock the people, so the people rock me...bum,bum,bum,bum (a humming sound) -R.S. Drapo

~On Tree House lore; You can make it! And, we did it! However, I hope it don’t kill the tree. -Richard Drapo

~When I was growing up your sneakers outlasted your shoe strings. Now, your shoe strings out last your sneakers. -Richard Drapo

~Pink Roses up high, their petals reflecting the sunlight back up to heaven...only after the light shines off our faces first. -Richard Drapo

~Some advice on how to eliminate peer pressure, eliminate the peers and the pressure will soon follow. --Richard S. Drapo

~The ability to truly procrastinate is directly proportional with ones income. -Richard S. Drapo

~The white man didn't make the black man slaves, nor did he drive the red man off his lands. But who did! Steel and Gunpowder did! And, believe me, you can make the white man do anything too...using Steel and Gunpowder. -Richard Drapo
~When you look at someone, and you find yourself starting to think about their appearance, you are looking at them to long and not interested in the moment. ~Richard Drapo

~Yes, it is important to understand that we must keep church and state separated. This our forefathers knew and prophesied, especially Thomas Jefferson, but Church and State working together is the very foundation of our country and our very existence. This belief will endeavor God and man to work together, sharing our resources, spiritually and materialistically to keep the United States of America and other free, Christian, democratic countries... morally strong.
-Richard S. Drapo

~To truly experience Science Fiction one has only to put his imagination above the clouds. -Richard S. Drapo

~It’s very sad to work honest and hard, and be penalized for it. (Not meeting Production Quotas because of having to make mechanical and component adjustments, the latter not getting paid for) -R. S. Drapo

~Don’t ever forget that the peasants own pitchforks. -Richard S Drapo

~The reason why the old days seem so good is because there are more people representatives from the past at any particular time. -Richard S Drapo

~When your Commanding Officer orders means NO SURRENDER...- R. S. Drapo

~God notices the awakening of souls brought upon by some towards others via hospitality, hope, mercy and love. - Richard S Drapo

~Don’t stand in the way of a man or women’s path to salvation, or prayer here on earth, for it is the only time they will have to make that ultimate decision to follow or not to follow God. And most of all, God will deal with those who do. -Richard S Drapo

~Tears are manifestations of the soul wanting to meet and join with the soul it is thinking about...another great example of Love....-Richard S. Drapo

“He is the Great Physician, and knows the importance and value of water, the blood of all life, the holiest, flowing right now, at this very moment, in the river of life at the foot of His Throne.” -Richard S. Drapo

“The Americans Are Here!” They journeyed through the Ice, Snow, Freezing Sleet and Flooded Fields....Desert Sun and Wind to get there...Yes, “The Americans Are Here!” In Remembrance of all of America’s Soldiers from the French and Indian Wars through Iraq and Beyond. -Richard S. Drapo

“Our feathered friends come more in focus after we have fed them. Their lives intertwine with our lives, and their world is our world...their needs are our is called HABITAT. - Richard S. Drapo

“Everything has a beginning and an end. Once the Beginning is activated the time is always moving forward towards the end. We can elect to make that time in-between go either fast or slow. When one wants to journey again to the beginning while at the end, he or she can, just activate the power of LOVE as this knows no time and only transcends through time itself.” -Richard S Drapo

"Everyone has a past and a rumor is the pasts last ditch effort to keep up with the present." -Richard Drapo
